A 1.8 kg of snakehead today !!!

catch this with the bomber bushwhacker green yellow...

the size of the snakehead compare to my slipper...

its hard to find such a size nowadays...

catch from the safe spot...

with the black spinnerbait...

2nd catch at the safe spot...

small sizes only...
Today i went to my safe spot to cast for the snakehead, yet i manage to catch 1 medium size of snakehead and a small size one...
then, when i was chatting and having drinks with my foreman, he suddenly tell me again about the spot that he had seen some snakehead bubbles on a site which he was working...
i then ask him to join me right away to the spot which are just near from his home. the spot was a culvert mouth which the water stagnant after thia year flood. then i try all the lure until i try the bomber bushwhacker green yellow colour of skirt... just as the 2nd cast of the lure, we already had thinking of no strike from the snakehead, yet after the lure had just about to reach my stand, suddenly a strike came in, the 1st strike was miss and following up the 2nd strike which had hook up the snakehead... the snakehead jump out of the water and swimming to left & right trying to loose my lure... after its calming down, i ask my foreman to pulled it out from the water... wow! what a size! i nearly don't believe what i had just caught! a big size of snakhead! then we pack our thing and go to my foreman home to take photo and weighted it.
from the weight we maesure, yes!!!! its a 1.8 kg mark! another record set for this year !!!
after taking photo, i pack my things and go back home, the fish i let it to my foreman, because its from his info the fish was caught & he deserve it !!!
i still waiting for my record of 1.95 kg to break !!!