Thursday, March 5, 2009

Snakehead strike again!

Releasing back as usual...

1st catch, about 200 - 300 gram...

this tiny snakehead stirke from under the weedy...

2nd catch of the day...

around 300 - 400 gram...

hope to see this snakehead grew bigger...

Today, the 3rd day i'm going back to the safe spot. this time only for about 1 hour only. the water colour are getting greener due to maybe some chemical tank being wash inside the drain. but still the snakehead are rising, only lesser today.

i got the 1st catch by a corner edge of a weedy area, as i knew this snakehead would hide under it and strike when chance come. the tiny 1 only weight about 200 - 300 gram. i quickly release it back after detached the hook.

then only after few minutes, i got another strike! this time its larger than the 1st catch. it weight around 300 - 400 gram only. as usual, i am releasing it back just after the hook detached. this spot are good enough if there are no netting or other type of catching fish to zero...

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