Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chinese New Year Snakehead!

the weight needle were accurately set at 1.1 kg!

the snakehead length from the weighting...

bomber lure + berkley powerbait spray scent!

the sizes of the snakehead comparing to my set...

my 2009 above 1 kg mark of catch!

After few days passing by Chinese New Year 2009. Finally i get my chance to cast for the snakehead at my wife village. the pond belong to 1 of my in law. I try out the new sp i bought, but no response from the snakehead in the water. the wheater was cloudy and i choose to use my bomber bushwhacker + a spray of the Berkley Powerbait spray scent. after for half an hour pf castng, i decided to change my lure. then in the sudden i get a strike! i strike back and the snakehead jump out of the water trying to loosen the lure. but i manage to control the run of the snakehead and brought it up to land. in my first sight, i already guess its a big 1, and after photo shoot and the weighting, i get the needle point up to 1.1 kg mark! wow! a good results in this new year and i get my 1st snakehead in the range of 1.0 kg above! wait for my next 1.0 kg mark catch!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


my catch after more than a week...

a 400 gram - 500 gram of snakehead...

Today, after more than a week without any catch or casting, finally i got my catch today at my regular spot at kota marudu... with the help of the berkley powerbait night crawler scent spray. with my bomber bushwhacker spinnerbait as my weapon, i cast through out the area... saw some rise, but no take from it... finally on a corner spot a strike came up! yes! strike! i retrieve back and landed the 400 gram - 500 gram of snakehead... it was a solid hook up... finally i got again my catch after waiting for more than a week. this was a good catch towards chinese new year... hopefully after chinese new year i will get my chance to break my 1.95 kg mark of snakehead... wait for my next catch! ;0)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Another Berkley Powerbait Catfish Atrractant Potion Pour Catch!

the 400 gram - 500 gram for today catch!

my patient paid off with this catch after an hour of casting using the
Berkley Powerbait Catfish Attractant Potion Pour!

Today, i'm going back to the spot at Tandek. my regular spot & it was flooded last week. first sight on the spot i saw some rise from the snakehead. some were small and some were large... the water was a bit muddy. i reach my bomber bushwhacker spinnerbait and my BERKLEY POWERBAIT CATFISH ATTRACTANT POTION POUR. I drop only a little of the potion to the lure. then i started to cast along the drain. for about an hour of casting, i get some strike, and i lost count of it. as i was also strike some rubbish... ;o) then on a high edge of the drain, i cast towards the side of the drain. and when the lure was about 1 meter to rise, then came a strike! the snakehead capture the lure 1st, then it try to swim away. then it came my strike on the bite! it was a bit hard to get the snakehead up to my spot on higher land. finally my patient paid off with a 400 gram to 500 gram of snakehead catch! the potion pour had done its job again for helping me with the catch! until next trip, i will continue using the potion pour and the berkley spray attractant!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another new year catch!

catch & release for our future fish stock!

another catch for new year!

with the flying frog... the snakehead only weighted 200 gram - 300 gram..

Today, i'm visiting another port that i always went to cast. i also see the spot being flooded by last heavy downpour... the water only a bit muddy and i try my luck here today... after casting along the drain until the end of it... i only got 2 small strike... then when i reach my flying frog and cast it by the water edge, suddenly i saw a movement from the side and buuussss!!! its strike the flying frog... not long enough i landed it. a tiny snakehead around 200 gram to 300 gram only. After some photo taken, i quickly release it back to the water... hope it will grow larger... then, when i was packing my stuff to end my short casting, suddenly by the other side of the drain i saw a huge rise... the size of the rise i could assume it was a larger 1, even can reach a 1 kg mark! i reach back my set and cast towards the area of the rise... but no any strike coming... after few cast i pack my things and go home early... maybe next time i will catch the snakehead there...

Monday, January 5, 2009


my second catch for today! with a drop of the berkley catfish
attractant potion pour to my lure!

1st catch of my new year trip 2009!

the flying frog done its job again!

my second catch today!

After flood hit Kota Marudu on the 3rd of January, some of the drain i usual cast being flooded. this could be a good chance for some of the snakehead being drove into the spot. So i drove to the small drain that being flooded, i notice the water condition are good. and without wasting time, i reach out my flying frog and start my new year casting. about 20 minutes gone by, suddenly on a edge of the drain came up a strike! and after fighting with the snakehead, i landed it in and it weight about 300 gram - 400 gram only. after taking some photo, i reach out my strike king spinnerbait and plus a drop of the berkley catfish potion. i cast again through out the drain area. once i see a rise of snakehead and i cast towards the back of the rise, only a little retrieve it came to strike! this time its a larger 1. i quickly landed it in and the weight of my second catch is about 500 - 600 gram of snakehead. wow! this drain are populated again with fish and snakehead species. before this the drain were almost zero fish after being netted by other people. hopefully this will get the chance for all those fish grown and populate more. both the snakehead i caught, i release it back to the drain. hopefully it will grow bigger and grew more of its species! A starting to my new year 2009 catch!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Last Catch For The Last Day of 31/12/2008

the 2 snakehead for the last catch for 2008!

my last catch for 2008... a 500 gram to 600 gram of snakehead.

Today, i went to the usual pond i cast with clay. we might having hoping for a new record to break with today catch in this pond. as usual i pick my bomber bushwhacker spinnerbait + a drop of the berkley catfish potion pour. After casting for about an hour, still no sign of the snakehead. until clay got several strike with its flying frog. and finally after missing 2 strike, clay got a small 1 from the pond. then just after few minutes from clay's catch, i finally got a strike, hard & trying to run away... i strike back and the fight doesn't last for long. i landed in the snakehead and its a size of 500 grams to 600 grams only. after that only some strike that had only loose our lure. we ended the day with last catch of 2 snakehead to end the year of 2008!