Friday, April 3, 2009

" The Flying Job"

2nd catch just before rain pouring...

strike from the side of the small river...

free again !!!

1st catch of the day...

The Flying Job done its job efficiently...

Today, i went to the safe spot. this time the water also drown, but not fast as usual...

i use " The Flying Job " today. i cast towards some of the opening in the small river. few cast i suddenly got a strike from beneath the weedy grass inside the water. i retrieve it slowly because the weedy parts also got in the strike. a small snakehead, but fight hard until its landed. the snakehead also almost swallow in the flying frog. just after finishing photo of it, i release it back free again...

then the sky was getting darker, but only few parts. i cast for a while and still no other strike came in. then i cast towards the side and retrieve it slowly just passing each side of the edge... then i saw a motion flow from the side and bbuuuussss!!!! another strike hit well... this one also tangled with weedy parts, as i slowly and carefully bring it up land. a bit larger than the 1st catch. i didn't had chance to cast after the 2nd catch because its started to rain. still a good results today from " The Flying Job "

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