Thursday, April 30, 2009

Magnificent Snakehead !!!

snakehead of 900 gram...!

the snakehead with the bakau flying frog...

the hook was broken after the strike...

2nd catch, small size only...

snakehead with the sabpolo lure..!

i only try to cast for half an hour today, yet i still manage to catch 2 snakehead... one reaching the size of 900 gram, and another one is a small size... good to know the spot still had a large sankehead there... both i release back to the spot again...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


1 st for today...

the strike were blasitng, just lika a 2 kg...

2 nd...

3 rd...

4 th with the bomber bushwhacker, the STAR lure for today!

4 th... Size of 1.1 kg

5 th...

6 th...

bakau flying frog...

7 th...

the size of the snakehead compare to my set...

8th, the last strike was also thunderous!

8 th...

inline spinner with grub, fail to hook up the large snakehead...

another view of the inline spinner...

pitas spot, with the 1st 4 catches...

Today i found a new spot at Pitas, the spot were seems like a good snakehead predatory & home. i tried out my inline spinner with grub to check if the lower part had any obstruction or not. seems like nothing would quite get my lure snag, i try and try casting along the area, until a huge strike came in, i strike back, but only giving back me my inline lure with the hook was already opened and misaligned... what a good fight & big snakehead...
then i turn back to my box, reaching out the killer lure for snakehead, this time some bubbles came up try to strike, but still maybe the snakehead miss out the run of the lure, then on the edge of the grass, i cast and this time i retrieve it medium fast, then suddenly a strike came in, i quickly strike back, and hook up a medium size of snakehead. then came in another 1, before i fight hard with the 1.1 kg mark of snakehead today, the snakehead were trying to swim into the bushes, but i controlled it with all i had, with the reel just giving out line with the snakehead shake. finally it was landed in and i am happy with the catch! what a snakehead to fight with...
the last 4 catch was from my safe spot... this time the snakehead there showing good thunderous strike with good fight, maybe the water was drowning out with the current had made the snakehead so powerful here, small size also can give you a hand shaking after strike!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Strike As Many, Catches 1...

today i got a lot of strike, but only this tiny 1 came as my catch today!

Sunday, April 26, 2009



casting with bomber bushwhacker...


the hot lure today...

3rd... small sizes only...

Today i drop a sms to ask Jifat & Fei to casting at any port. we went to a port which was left long ago with no casting...

only when the sun rise were going down we're able to get some strike and hook up! i catch 3 of the snakehead there, the water were still muddy after almost a month without rain. surely this spot had give us a spot for casting again...

Saturday, April 25, 2009



only the 3rd cast catch this one...

this is the way to preserve fish stock in a spot...


sizes of 1.0 kg !


small, but very quick in striking lure...


wanted lure of this spot !

practice catch & release !


small size...


last catch for today...

Today i visited the safe spot for only 45 minutes + -
i was very impressed with the results of this spot by giving me another 6 catch within a short time of casting. i will keep continue to preserve the fish stock here by practising CATCH & RELEASE !!!

Friday, April 24, 2009



400 - 500 gram...

practice catch and release !


300 - 400 gram...


hot lure for this spot !!!

all snakehead at this spot i released safely...


300 - 400 gram...


300 - 400 gram...


400 - 500 gram...


300 - 400 gram...

Today i visited the safe spot again. This time it was the time of tide. the water begin to tide in when i'm arrive. i only used my flying frog today. and to my shock, a new record of catch in a single cast time for me... 7 snakehead was catch today & all were released back to this spot safely. from this spot today, i cannot even count how much already the miss strike, a big strike from a larger one also missed! in a single cast i can easily got 2 or 3 strike...but miss! only this 7 star today had been hooked up!

what a day for casting today! my new record set again with 7 catch in single cast session and in an hour of time casting!